Bus Purchasing Update

  • Category: Co-op Purchasing
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the bus vendors requested to extend the deadline for the OSC Bus Bids. Therefore, the bid deadline has been extended to Tuesday, May 5, 2020 and the bus bids and bid summary documents will be distributed to districts by May 11.

Districts interested in purchasing a bus before May should contact, Kelly Rocco at krocco@osconline.org for a copy of the October 18, 2019 bids. These bus bids are valid until the May 5, 2020 bid opening.

Districts that were awarded money by ODE for the School Bus Purchasing Program were notified on March 20 and should upload the acceptance assurance page and a board approved document that your district is going to accept the funding and use it towards a purchase or lease to purchase option by the May 20 deadline. The Bus Quote can be uploaded at a later date. A receipt of the purchase will be required to be uploaded by September 30, 2021.

Questions about bus bids or purchases, contact Kelly Rocco at 216-447-3100, ext. 6101.